Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Slides Fundamental of Human Resource Management 10e by DeCenzo and Robbins


Book Title:  Human Resource Management, 10th edition

Author : David A. DeCenzo and Stephen P. Robbins

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2010

File size :  -- MB - directly to audthorized publisher.

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Slides Strategic Market Management 9e by Aaker


Book Title:  Strategic Market Management, 9th edition

Author : David A. Aaker

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2011

File size :  -- MB - directly to authorized publisher.

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Ebook Managerial Accounting 8e by Crosson


Book Title:  Managerial Accounting, 8th edition

Author : Susan V. Crosson and Belverd E. Needles

Publisher: South Western - Cengage Learning © 2008

File size :  15.1 MB

Click "downloadslide logo" below to download.
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Slides Project Management 7e by Meredith


Book Title:  Project Management 7th edition

Author : Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel, Jr.

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2009

File size :  -- MB - directly from authorized publisher.

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Slides Microeconomic 10e by Browning and Zupan


Book Title:  Microeconomics, Theory and Applications, 10th edition

Author : Edgar K. Browning, Mark A. Zupan

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2009

File size :  -- MB - directly to authorized publisher.

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Slides Accounting 4e by Kieso


Book Title:  Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making 4th edition

Author : Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt and Donald E. Kieso

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2011

File size :  -- MB - directly from authorized publisher.

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Slides Financial Accounting 7e by Kieso


Book Title:  Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making 7th edition

Author : Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt and Donald E. Kieso

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2010

File size :  -- MB - directly from authorized publisher.

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Ebook Chapter 15

Slide Managerial Accounting 11e by Garrison


Book Title : Managerial Accounting, Eleventh Edition

Author(s) : Garrison, Noreen, Brewer

Publisher : McGraw-Hill

File size : 15.42 MB

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Slides Advanced Accounting 4e by Jeter and Chaney


Book Title:  Advanced Accounting 4th edition

Author : Debra C. Jeter, Paul Chaney

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc. © 2010

File size :  -- MB - directly from authorized publisher.

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Ebook Operations Management 11e by Chase


Book Title:  Operations Management, for Competitive Advantage, 11th edition

Author : Richard B. Chase and F. Roberts Jacobs

Publisher: McGraw-Hill / Irwin © 2006

File size :  129.44 MB

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Ebook Complete Business Statistics 7e by Aczel


Book Title:  Complete Business Statistics, 7th edition

Author : Amir D. Aczel and Jayavel Sounderpandian

Publisher: McGraw-Hill / Irwin © 2008

File size :  9.51 MB

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Happy New Year

Slides Corporate Financial Accounting 10e


Book Title:  Corporate Financial Accounting, 10th Edition

Author : Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac

Publisher: South Western College - Cengage Learning © 2009

File size :  .... MB - directly from authorized publisher.

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Slides Financial Accounting 11e by Warren


Book Title:  Financial Accounting, 11th Edition

Author : Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan Duchac

Publisher: South Western College - Cengage Learning © 2009

File size :  .... MB - directly from authorized publisher.

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Slides Managerial Accounting 10e by Warren, Reeve, dan Duchac


Book Title:  Managerial Accounting, 10th edition

Author : Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve and Jonathan E. Duchac

Publisher: Thomson - South Western - Cengage Learning © 2009

File size :  15.1 MB 

Click "downloadslide logo" below to download.
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Adaptive Filter Theory by Simon Haykin

Adaptive Filter Theory looks at both the mathematical theory behind various linear adaptive filters with finite-duration impulse response (FIR) and the elements of supervised neural networks. Up-to-date and in-depth treatment of adaptive filters develops concepts in a unified and accessible manner. This highly successful book provides comprehensive coverage of adaptive filters in a highly readable and understandable fashion. Includes an extensive use of illustrative examples; and MATLAB experiments, which illustrate the practical realities and intricacies of adaptive filters, the codes for which can be downloaded from the Web. Covers a wide range of topics including Stochastic Processes, Wiener Filters, and Kalman Filters. For those interested in learning about adaptive filters and the theories behind them.

1. Stochastic Processes and Models.
 2. Wiener Filters.
 3. Linear Prediction.
 4. Method of Steepest Descent.
 5. Least-Mean-Square Adaptive Filters.
 6. Normalized Least-Mean-Square Adaptive Filters.
 7. Transform-Domain and Sub-Band Adaptive Filters.
 8. Method of Least Squares.
 9. Recursive Least-Square Adaptive Filters.
10. Kalman Filters as the Unifying Bases for RLS Filters.
11. Square-Root Adaptive Filters.
12. Order-Recursive Adaptive Filters.
13. Finite-Precision Effects.
14. Tracking of Time-Varying Systems.
15. Adaptive Filters Using Infinite-Duration Impulse Response Structures.
16. Blind Deconvolution.
17. Back-Propagation Learning.

You can download this book from any of the following links. If any link is dead please feel free to leave a comment.

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Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Teach Yourself PIC Microcontrollers: For Absolute Beginners

This book, is an entry level text for those who want to explore the wonderful world of microcontrollers. Electronics has always fascinated me, ever since I was a child, making small crystal radio was the best project I still remember. I still enjoy the feel when I first heard my radio. Over the period of years and decades electronics has progressed, analogs changed into digital and digital into programmable.

Chapter - 1: Introduction to Microcontrollers
Chapter - 2: Understanding Hardware
Chapter - 3: Setting up the Programmer
Chapter - 4: Setting Up Proton Basic Compiler
Chapter - 5: Basic Programming Language … A Primer
Chapter - 6: I/O Ports
Chapter - 7: Writing Your First program
Chapter - 8: Reading Switches
Chapter - 9: Using Graphic LCD
Chapter - 10: Asynchronous Serial Communication
Chapter - 11: Sound and Digital Signals
Chapter - 12: Analog Module
Chapter - 13: On-Chip EEPROM
Chapter - 14: On-Chip CCP Capture | Compare | PWM
Chapter - 15: Pulse
Chapter - 16: Interrupts
Chapter - 17: Timers and Interrupts
Chapter - 18: I2C Communication
Chapter - 19: Basic Electronics
Chapter - 20: Expanding Microcontroller I/O Lines
Chapter - 21: H-Bridge and DC Motors
Chapter - 22: Stepper Motors
Chapter - 23: Real Time Clock
Chapter - 24: Making a frequency Counter
Chapter - 25: Working with Matrix LED Displays
Chapter - 26: MPLAB® and ICD-2
Chapter - 27: Using Boot Loader

You can download this book from any of the following links. If any link is dead please feel free to leave a comment.

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8051 Microcontrollers: An Applications-Based Introduction

A potential reader of this text may be forgiven for initially viewing this book as yet another text on the ubiquitous 80C51 microcontroller, a topic on which many books have already been published. However, the authors believe their application-based coverage using only Flash memory devices will bring home to the reader a depth of coverage and an understanding of the versatility of the various members of the 80C51 family, including the 16-bit devices, that have not been seen before. Three devices in particular are described in the text with their own chapters and relevant appendices. The devices are those available from Philips Semiconductors although the applications, both hardware and software, have a broader scope and could apply to other manufacturer’s devices.

Chapter - 1: Introduction to Microcontrollers
Chapter - 2: Flash Microcontroller Board
Chapter - 3: Simulation Software
Chapter - 4: P89C66x Microcontroller
Chapter - 5: Low Pin Count (LPC) Devices
Chapter - 6: The XA 16-bit Microcontroller
Chapter - 7: Project Applications
Solutions to Exercises
A : 8051 Instruction Set
B : Philips XA Microcontroller XA and 8051 Instruction Set Differences
C : 8051 Microcontroller Structure
D : P89C66x Microcontroller
E : P89LPC932 Microcontroller
F : XAG49 Microcontroller
G : P89C66x and XAG49 Microcontroller PCB Board Layouts

You can download this book from any of the following links. If any link is dead please feel free to leave a comment.

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Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

A First Course in Digital Communications by HA H. NGUYEN

The text is intended for persons who are undertaking a study of digital communications for the first time. Though it can be used for self-study the orientation is towards the classroom for students at the fourth-year (senior) level. The text can also serve readily for a beginning-level graduate course.

Chapter - 1: Introduction
Chapter - 2: Deterministic signal characterization and analysis
Chapter - 3: Probability theory, random variables and random processes
Chapter - 4: Sampling and quantization
Chapter - 5: Optimum receiver for binary data transmission
Chapter - 6: Baseband data transmission
Chapter - 7: Basic digital passband modulation
Chapter - 8: M-ary signaling techniques
Chapter - 9: Signaling over bandlimited channels
Chapter - 10: Signaling over fading channels
Chapter - 11: Advanced modulation techniques
Chapter - 12: Synchronization

You can download this book from any of the following links. If any link is dead please feel free to leave a comment.

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32/64-BIT 80 x 86 Assembly Language Architecture by James Leiterman

This book provides a step-by-step understanding of programming Intel and AMD 80x86 processors in assembly language, this book attempts to break through the complexity of programming environments and explains 32-bit and 64-bit 80x86 assembly language programming.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Coding Standards
Chapter 3 - Processor Differential Insight
Chapter 4 - Bit Mangling
Chapter 5 - Bit Wrangling
Chapter 6 - Data Conversion
Chapter 7 - Integer Math
Chapter 8 - Floating-Point Anyone?
Chapter 9 - Comparison
Chapter 10 - Branching
Chapter 11 - Branchless
Chapter 12 - Floating-Point Vector Addition and Subtraction
Chapter 13 - FP Vector Multiplication and Division
Chapter 14 - Floating-Point Deux
Chapter 15 - Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD)
Chapter 16 - What CPUID?
Chapter 17 - PC I/O
Chapter 18 - System
Chapter 19 - Gfx 'R' Asm
Chapter 20 - MASM vs. NASM vs. TASM vs. WASM
Chapter 21 - Debugging Functions
Chapter 22 - Epilogue
Appendix A - Data Structure Definitions
Appendix B - Mnemonics
Appendix C - Reg/Mem Mapping

You can download this book from any of the following links. If any link is dead please feel free to leave a comment.

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ANTENNA THEORY: Analysis and Design by Constantine A. Balanis

The book’s main objective is to introduce, in a unified manner, the fundamental principles of antenna theory and to apply them to the analysis, design, and measurements of antennas. Because there are so many methods of analysis and design and a plethora of antenna structures, applications are made to some of the most basic and practical configurations, such as linear dipoles; loops; arrays; broadband, and frequency-independent antennas; aperture antennas; horn antennas; microstrip antennas; and reflector antennas.

Chapter - 1 Antennas.
Chapter - 2 Fundamental Parameters of Antennas.
Chapter - 3 Radiation Integrals and Auxiliary Potential Functions.
Chapter - 4 Linear Wire Antennas.
Chapter - 5 Loop Antennas
Chapter - 6 Arrays: Linear, Planar and Circular.
Chapter - 7 Antenna Synthesis and Continuous Sources.
Chapter - 8 Integral Equations, Moment Method, and Self and Mutual Impedances.
Chapter - 9 Broadband Dipoles and Matching Techniques.
Chapter - 10 Traveling Waves and Broadband Antennas.
Chapter - 11 Frequency Independent Antennas and Antenna Miniaturization.
Chapter - 12 Aperture Antennas.
Chapter - 13 Horn Antennas.
Chapter - 14 Microstrip Antennas.
Chapter - 15 Reflector Antennas.
Chapter - 16 Antenna Measurements. (Chapter - 16 Smart Antennas. 3rd Edition only)
Chapter - 17 Antenna Measurements.  3rd Edition only

You can download this book from any of the following links. If any link is dead please feel free to leave a comment.
- 2nd Edition. DOWNLOAD HERE
- 3rd Edition. DOWNLOAD HERE
- Solution Manual of 2nd Edition.
- CD of the 3rd Edition:
>> Slides of the book. DOWNLOAD HERE
>> Programs of the book. DOWNLOAD HERE

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Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Microsoft Surface Tablet Running Windows RT

The current version of the Microsoft Surface tablet looks like it runs the same version of Windows 8 as full-sized computers, but it actually runs Windows RT. It's a "lighter" version of Windows specifically designed for tablet computers. Because of this, oddly enough, the Surface tablet is not compatible with the Windows Media Audio (WMA) audiobooks in our NHDB collection.

Why not? The best explanation I can figure out is that it lacks the Windows Media Player (WMP) software. The WMP is the software that runs silently in the background unlocking the Digital Rights Management (DRM) used in our WMA audiobooks. (Most of the audiobook publishers we work with won't sell DRM-free audiobooks to public libraries.) The Microsoft website also states:
With Windows RT, you can install apps directly from the Windows Store, but you can't install desktop programs that you used with previous versions of Windows. 
So at this time the Microsoft Surface tablet running Windows RT is only compatible with the DRM-free MP3 audiobooks and Adobe EPUB and Open EPUB eBooks. There is also a Kindle app for the Surface tablet running Windows RT.

The yet-to-be-released Surface tablet running Windows 8 Pro (featuring a stronger processor) will run traditional Windows desktop software and (I assume) will run the Windows version of the OverDrive Media Console. Read this post for more information on the difference between the Windows OMC and the Windows 8 version.

Read More

Installing the OverDrive Media Console on Windows 8

New eBook Purchases

New eBooks Purchased on December 21, 2012

Title Author(s)
An Acceptable Sacrifice Jeffery Deaver
Blood Moon Garry Disher
The Bone Box Gregg Olsen
The Bone Chamber Robin Burcell
Book of Virtue Ken Bruen
A Bright, Red Ribbon Fern Michaels
Bug Man Suspense 3-in-1 Bundle Tim Downs
A Catered Murder Isis Crawford
Cattery Row Clea Simon
Chain of Evidence Garry Disher
Chocolate Covered Murder Leslie Meier
Closer Than Blood Gregg Olsen
A Cold Dark Place Gregg Olsen
Cries and Whiskers Clea Simon
The Dark Hour Robin Burcell
Darn Good Cowboy Christmas Carolyn Brown
Death in August Marco Vichi
Deck the Halls With Love Lorraine Heath
Dragon Man Garry Disher
Face of a Killer Robin Burcell
Firewall Henning Mankell, Ebba Segerberg
Five Golden Rings Sophie Barnes, Karen Erickson, Rena Gregory, Sandra Jones, Vivienne Lorret
Flight Behavior Barbara Kingsolver
Four-Year Colleges 2013 Peterson's
Grey Expectations Clea Simon
Hawkwood James McGee
The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien
Holiday in Stone Creek Linda Lael Miller
Holly and Mistletoe Susan Mallery
The Importance of Being Wicked Miranda Neville
In the Shadow of Evil Robin Caroll
The Intercept Dick Wolf
John Doe Tess Gerritsen
Keeper of the Bride Tess Gerritsen
Killing Them Softly (Cogan's Trade Movie Tie-in Edition) George V Higgins
Kittyhawk Down Garry Disher
A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows Diana Gabaldon
Less than Dead Tim Downs
Life of Pi Yann Martel
Lily Robbins, M.D. Nancy Rue
Lord Stillwell's Excellent Engagement Victoria Alexander
A Marriage of the Heart Kelly Long
Me, the Missing, and the Dead Jenny Valentine
Never Coming Back Hans Koppel
Notorious Nineteen Janet Evanovich
Plague Maker Tim Downs
Probable Claws Clea Simon
Pronghorns of the Third Reich C. J. Box
The Racketeer John Grisham
Radiant Cynthia Hand
The Red Syndrome Haggai Carmon
The Return of the Dancing Master Henning Mankell, Laurie Thompson
The Round House Louise Erdrich
Scroll Anne Perry
Sharp Objects Gillian Flynn
Sidetracked Henning Mankell, Steven T. Murray
A Slice of Murder Chris Cavender
Snapshot Garry Disher
Soul's Gate James L. Rubart
Stolen Shiloh Walker
Stupid Perfect World Scott Westerfeld
The Surgeon Tess Gerritsen
Tippy Toe Murder Leslie Meier
True Grey Clea Simon
The Twelve Tribes of Hattie Ayana Mathis
Unspoken Lisa Jackson
Valentine Murder Leslie Meier
Whispering Death Garry Disher
Z Michael Thomas Ford