Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

The Winter of Islam and the Spring to come

Title : The Winter of Islam and the Spring to come
Pub Date : April 2003
Author : Harun Yahya
ISBN : -
Overview :

What people come across frequently, they tend to eventually grow used to. This familiarity can so de-
velop over time that things which elicit vio ent surprise or protest when first witnessed become routine matters just a short while later.

The wars and conflicts taking place in our world are a case in point. When a country is first occupied and a slaughter or genocide first begins, this can lead to vioent protests worldwide. Let us, for instance, consider the first days of the Bosnian conflict, or Chechnya, or Palestine… The image of a Palestinian child on his father’s lap who will soon be a target for the bullets of Israeli soldiers, Chechen babies murdered in their nappies, women, the elderly and children alike subjected to a terrible genocide in Bosnia…

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