Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

How to Read Open EPUB eBooks

The NHDB has added a new format to the eBook collection! The Open EPUB format is a type of eBook that does not contain DRM (Digital Rights Management). At this time there are just a few publishers selling eBooks to libraries without DRM, so a majority of our eBooks still contain DRM.

The Open EPUB eBooks will work on any eBook reader, tablet, or smart phone that can currently use the Adobe EPUB titles.

Unlike the Adobe EPUB eBooks, the Open EPUB eBooks cannot be returned to the collection early.

To find the small collection of Open EPUB titles, use the Advanced Search, and select the "Open EPUB eBook" as the format.

Browsing for and checking out the Open EPUB titles are similar to finding and checking out any other format in our  collection. Find a title, add the Open EPUB format into your cart, proceed to checkout, and confirm your checkout.

Downloading the Open EPUB eBook to Your Computer (to read or transfer to a Nook, Kobo, or Sony Reader): 

Instead of seeing the "Download" button (from your computer screen), you'll see a "Right-click to Save" button. Right-click the “Right-Click to Save” button and (depending on the browser you are using) save the link, preferably to an easy to find location, like my desktop. (Tip: if you are using an out of date version of Internet Explorer, consider downloading a newer version of IE or different software like Chrome or Firefox, all of which will allow you to set an easy to find download location!)

Opening the File:

Nook and Kobo users: Find the file on your computer and double-click the file to open it with your previously-installed Adobe Digital Editions. Transfer as normal.
Sony Reader users: Find the file on your computer and double-click the file to open it with your previously-installed Sony Reader Library. Transfer as normal.

Emailing the eBook to Tablets or Smart Phones:

If you checked out and downloaded the file using your computer, you can email the file to yourself and open it with your tablet or smart phone. Normally, when you view the email on your smart phone or tablet, you’ll tap on the attachment to open it. By default, Apple devices open EPUB with the iBooks app; however, you can choose other program like the OverDrive Media Console app or the Bluefire Reader app, etc. – anything you have installed that can open EPUB.

Downloading Open EPUB from the NHDB Site on a Mobile Website:

Open your mobile browser, visit the NHDB site, and use the “Browse” button to browse Open EPUB titles. Check out the title as normal, and press the “Download” button.

Open the file in the desired application and start reading!

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